Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my student forgot something?
During the first six weeks of school, forgotten items may be dropped off at the office. After October 1st, the Responsibility Matters Policy will be instituted for the remainder of the school year.
Items that are forgotten (i.e. backpacks, water bottles, hats, umbrellas, etc.) will not be delivered to classrooms to preserve the integrity of instructional minutes and limit classroom distractions.
Free school lunches and water are available to all students throughout the day.
** Unique needs and exceptional circumstances will be considered by the Office Staff.
How do I inform the school when my student is absent?
What if my student is tardy?
What are OCIS Contracts?
What is the earliest I can drop my student off at school?
Beginning the second week of school, students in grades TK, K, and 1st, will line up at their designated spot at the first bell (7:40 am) on the playground where they will be picked up by their teachers and walked to class at the 7:45 am bell. At the 7:38 am bell, students grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, may enter the gates (from the playground and the bus loop) with access to campus. Any parent or visitor wishing to enter campus must go through the school office to sign in and obtain an identification badge/sticker and wear at all times while on campus.
How late can my student remain on campus after school?
Where are the lost and found items kept on campus?
What if I want to talk to my student’s teacher?
What if I want to request homework for my student?