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Frequently Asked Questions

During the first six weeks of school, forgotten items may be dropped off at the office. After October 1st, the Responsibility Matters Policy will be instituted for the remainder of the school year. 

Items that are forgotten (i.e. backpacks, water bottles, hats, umbrellas, etc.) will not be delivered to classrooms to preserve the integrity of instructional minutes and limit classroom distractions.

Free school lunches and water are available to all students throughout the day.

** Unique needs and exceptional circumstances will be considered by the Office Staff.

When your child is/will be absent, please call the attendance hotline at (858) 521-0213.
Parents should accompany their student to the office and sign their student in late. 
Please remember – tardy students walking into class impacts the learning environment for everyone. Please be on time. Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to learn at 7:45 am.
Should there be a planned absence of five school days or more please see our Health/Attendance Tech, in the office, as soon as possible to set up a homework contract for the student. A contract should also be used for extended illnesses. A minimum of one week is required to set up an OCIS Contract.
The earliest you can drop-off your student to school is 7:40 am when the playground opens with staff supervision.  We ask that you escort TK and K students to the classroom, especially in the beginning of the school year.  If you need after-school care, please note that ESS (Extended School Services) is available for a charge, from 2:05 pm – 6:00 pm (M, T, W, F) & from 12:25pm - 6:00 pm (Th).
Beginning the second week of school, students in grades TK, K, and 1st, will line up at their designated spot at the first bell (7:40 am) on the playground where they will be picked up by their teachers and walked to class at the 7:45 am bell.  At the 7:38 am bell, students grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, may enter the gates (from the playground and the bus loop) with access to campus.  Any parent or visitor wishing to enter campus must go through the school office to sign in and obtain an identification badge/sticker and wear at all times while on campus.
Students are expected to be at their line up spot (grades TK-1st) or classroom (grades 2-5) by the 7:45 am bell.  Students arriving after the 7:45 am bell must be signed in at the office.
It is important that students are picked up by 2:05 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and by 12:25 pm on Thursday and minimum days as there is no supervision after-school. When it is not possible for you to pick up your student before this time, please note that ESS (Extended School Services) is available for a charge, from 2:05 pm – 6:00 pm (M, T, W, F) & from 12:25pm - 6:00 pm (Th).
If your student has lost a sweatshirt/jacket or any other item, SRES lost and found is located on carts in the covered lunch area. Please be sure to check frequently, as the lost and found items are donated periodically.  It's best to label all student items with first and last name.
During school hours, you may call the school number and enter your student’s teachers extension (see the Staff Contact listing for extensions) and leave them a message.  It can be hard to reach teachers while they are are with students; please contact the school office for assistance during the day.  Check with your teacher if email communication is preferred.
If you would like homework for a student that missed school, please contact the teacher by leaving them a message or e-mailing them your request.